Advanced Screening Techniques

At Lethbridge Vision Care, our team of optometrists is highly trained to deliver both routine care and advanced screening and treatment options. Our techniques can identify issues before you even notice signs and symptoms.
Optos ultra-widefield retinal imaging detects ocular pathologies that aren’t found through traditional exam techniques and equipment. This revolutionary test uses a laser to capture an image of your retina and is easy and non-invasive.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is another non-invasive imaging technique that takes a picture of your retina, and can enable early detection of diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and others. It requires no preparation, scanning each individual eye in a matter of minutes without any physical contact with your eyes.
We also conduct broad visual field assessments that measure the total area of your peripheral vision when you’re focusing on a central object. Digital retinal imaging will evaluate the health of your retina to detect any issues before they become bothersome.
When it comes to protecting your vision, you can be confident in the advanced care you’ll receive at Lethbridge Vision Care.
Optos ultra-widefield retinal imaging detects ocular pathologies that aren’t found through traditional exam techniques and equipment. This revolutionary test uses a laser to capture an image of your retina and is easy and non-invasive.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is another non-invasive imaging technique that takes a picture of your retina, and can enable early detection of diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and others. It requires no preparation, scanning each individual eye in a matter of minutes without any physical contact with your eyes.
We also conduct broad visual field assessments that measure the total area of your peripheral vision when you’re focusing on a central object. Digital retinal imaging will evaluate the health of your retina to detect any issues before they become bothersome.
When it comes to protecting your vision, you can be confident in the advanced care you’ll receive at Lethbridge Vision Care.