child eye exam
When was the last time you went to the eye doctor? Was it a childhood checkup? Can you not even remember or aren’t sure if you’ve ever been at all? If this sounds like you, it might be time to schedule an eye exam.

I know what you’re thinking. I’m young! I have perfect(ish) vision! Why waste time and money going to an optometrist for no reason? Going to the optometrist can seem silly if you don’t have concerns about your vision. But not going to the optometrist because your vision is clear is like not going to the dentist because you don’t have a toothache. Just because the problem hasn’t affected your life yet, doesn’t mean it won’t. When it comes to your health, the old adage “it’s better to be proactive than reactive” is the best advice.

But why should you get your eyes checked out during that long and awkward period between childhood and old age? Here’s why we think you should book an appointment at Lethbridge Vision Care even if you aren’t experiencing issues with your vision:

Eye health changes over time

The human body is fickle. Just because you got the all-clear at your last exam in grade five doesn’t mean your eyesight hasn’t changed for the worse since then. Regular eye exams can help catch vision changes and correct them before they impact your long term vision or become a bigger, costlier problem.

It’s common for vision to change with age. If it’s been happening slowly, you may not have noticed or realised how bad it’s gotten. Without preventative care, you could find yourself being the person squinting and shining your camera light on the dinner menu.


If one day you woke up, unable to see, and decided to go about your day to day activities, that would be pretty dangerous. While your vision changes won’t be this drastic, wandering around with eyesight capabilities different from what you are used to is dangerous. If you bump into things and people more than usual, it could be a sign that your vision has deteriorated slightly, and it’s time for a checkup. Regular eye exams are especially important if you drive. Developing near or far-sightedness could be putting you or others at risk.


You’ve definitely heard the term glaucoma before, especially in relation to the elderly. But what is it? Glaucoma is actually a group of eye diseases that can cause total vision loss. Catching glaucoma early on means you can start treatments that will prevent blindness and prevent more painful, invasive treatments in the future. One of these treatments even includes inserting a tiny tube into the white of your eye while you’re awake…yikes. So while glaucoma typically affects an older demographic, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be on top of your status so you can get early treatment if necessary.

Sun damage

Do you love laying out on the beach or sitting on patios in the summer? That’s great, but these activities can put you at risk for severe vision damage. The sun is one of the most significant external factors that can cause damage to your eyes. And, just like sunscreen, UV glasses and goggles can’t stop all the sun’s rays from getting to you.

Diseases like cataracts and eye cancers can take years to develop and can cost you your vision if caught too late. In addition, it’s not uncommon for people in their 20s or even teens to develop growths on their eyes if they spend lots of time in the sun.

And you winter sports lovers aren’t off the hook! Skiing and snowboarding put your eyes at significant risk with the combination of snow blindness and the harshness of UV light that bounces off the bright reflective surface of snow.

If you spend long periods outdoors, no matter the season, you should be getting your eyes checked regularly, even if nothing seems wrong.

Underlying health issues

“Eyes are the windows to the soul.” But more importantly, they are the windows to your health. Getting an eye exam isn’t just about treating vision problems. Your eyes can reveal all kinds of things about your overall well being. An eye exam can detect health problems that have nothing to do with your eyes. High blood pressure, diabetes, and numerous cancers can all be caught early through eye exams. This is because of the vessels in your eyes. The way they behave reveals details about your overall health.

If it’s been years since your last eye exam, or if you’ve never had one – don’t worry. It’s never too late or too early to start looking after your eye health. Lethbridge Vision Care makes looking after your eyes and overall health easy and simple. If you have health coverage, we’ll even direct bill your insurance company.

There’s nothing to be nervous about when booking an overdue eye exam with one of Lethbridge’s friendly optometrists. We look forward to keeping you and your eyesight as healthy as possible!

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